Time Out Boxing work closely with all in education across the UK and Spain
Our Vision
"is to provide young people with the tools required to control anger, build confidence and increase physical growth through boxing training and life coaching"

Pupil Focused Boxing Intervention
Our Pupil Focused Boxing Interventions were created specifically for young people who find their school lives challenging. These sessions run in smaller groups to support students emotional regulation and focus. We work closely with our clients SEND departments to create a stimulating yet disciplined environment. Those students who have high level behaviour and mental health needs are at the core of this intervention.

Group Box Mentoring Intervention
Our Group Box Mentoring Interventions typically run throughout the school day, focusing on emotional regulation and boxing fitness. Each period is assigned to a specific school year or group. Students work through boxing technique, and general fitness in a high tempo yet disciplined session before re-entering their school day feeling more focused and motivated. These sessions work as an effective outlet for students who may lack general focus in lessons.

After School Boxing Club Intervention
Our After School Boxing Clubs run in both Primary and Secondary schools. These exciting sessions allow pupils to develop their general fitness whilst taking their boxing skills to the next level in a fun yet disciplined environment. Our Pupils find that after a long school day, these sessions provide stress relief to release any negative emotions. All equipment including gloves and pads are provided by the Time Out Boxing team.
Find out more about how we work with our clients SEND departments to support the most vulnerable young people, through our pupil focused boxing mentoring interventions.
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